Hit Subscribe Digest

Digest, June 2023

The Hit Subscribe Digest, June 2023.

Appium Tutorial

I've always found cross-platform testing of mobile apps to be a bit of a headache. Android, iOS, AND Windows phone is a lot to cover. Appium is a testing framework that promises to cover all three with the same tests. Waldo has a great Appium tutorial that helps you understand Appium and get started with using it.

Columnar Databases

I didn't know what a columnar database was until I read InfluxData's helpful columnar database guide. Columnar databases store data in columns, rather than rows, which can give them a huge performance advantage for analytics workloads. They are definitely worth learning about.


If you're looking to improve your test automation, Tricentis' continuous testing platform is worth looking into. Tricentis offers a wide variety of testing tools, but particularly intriguing are their tools for testing Salesforce and ServiceNow, which can be difficult to test.

API Monitoring and Observability

Request Metrics is an API monitoring tool that helps you understand how your APIs behave for real users. It provides top-level metrics and fast filtering to individual requests, so you can quickly identify and fix any performance or reliability issues.

Slack Reminders

Slack recurring reminders are a great way to stay on top of tasks and deadlines. You can use them to remind yourself to check in with clients, submit reports, or attend meetings. This Slack reminders guide from Wrangle shows you how to set up recurring reminders in Slack, so you can never miss a beat.

How to create a Kubernetes cluster in AWS

Terraform is a powerful tool for creating and managing AWS ECS clusters. This Architect tutorial on how to create and manage an AWS ECS cluster with Terraform provides clear and concise instructions, making it an excellent resource for developers interested in learning more about Terraform.

Enterprise Release Management

Enterprise Release Management is a critical process that bridges the gap between corporate strategy and DevOps. This enterprise release management guide from Enov8 provides a comprehensive overview of Enterprise Release Management, including its benefits, challenges, and best practices.

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